4. sept 2005


Pidage hoogu! Asi kisub ikka päris jaburaks kätte ära. Mõnele inimesele on ikka täpselt teada, miks Katrina New Orleansi linna laastama tormas. Kuna järjekordselt linkida ei õnnestunud, refereerin:

Who’s to Blame?
Hurricanes Don’t Just Happen

When a natural disaster strikes, the American Taliban swings into action. Before the hungry are fed, before the homeless are housed, before the sick are made well, chubby little fingers must be pointed. Disasters of biblical proportions don’t just happen. From Noah’s Flood to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to Hurricane Katrina, natural disasters are God’s way of expressing his displeasure with his wayward creation.
But who, exactly, is God displeased with now? Who is to blame for Katrina? This is a survey of likely suspects.

The first bodies hadn’t even bobbed to the surface before a conservative Christian organization, Repent America, pointed a finger at gays and lesbians. While the states that took the direct hit from Katrina—Alabama and Mississippi—aren’t exactly known as gay meccas, the city of New Orleans does have a large gay community. Even worse, the city was about to play host to “Southern Decadence,” the gay answer to a decidedly decadent heterosexual shindig called “Mardi Gras.”

Columbia Christians for Life (CCFL) blamed abortion. Satellite photos taken of Hurricane Katrina just as it struck the Gulf Coast provided the proof: “The image of the hurricane,” the CCFL wrote in an e-mail, “with its eye already ashore at 12:32 p.m. Monday, August 29, looks like a fetus… [...]

Muhammad Yousef Al-Mlaifi, director of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Endowment’s research center, blamed Allah. [...]

One can only celebrate, and profit from, the “dark arts” for so long before one brings God’s wrath down upon one’s head. Anne Rice, who hasn’t written a single decent book during her interminably long career, may have brought Katrina’s epic destruction to the city she has celebrated in her novels about vampires, witches, mummies, and more vampires. Paganism, homosexuality, the “goth” way of life—these dissolute lifestyles have been promoted and glamorized in Rice’s fiction, inspiring scores of dweebish teens to turn away from more wholesome pursuits. Frankly, we’re surprised God didn’t level the city after "Violin" was published.

The thought of a professional sports franchise being the cause of a horrendous natural disaster sounds far-fetched, but consider these unholy facts: The New Orleans Saints have won just ONE playoff game in their 39 years of existence. [...]

How did New Orleans, a den of sin and vice for 300 long years, manage to escape God’s wrath for so long? It’s possible that God, with so much on his hands, was unaware of Mardi Gras, Southern Decadence, Girls Gone Wild, and foot-long margaritas until relatively recently. What brought New Orleans’s sinful status to the attention of our vengeful God ? Could it have been an episode of the long-running animated hit The Simpsons?[...]

Or maybe, just maybe, Katrina’s overwhelming destruction can be blamed on a tropical disturbance[...]

Maybe that was it.

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